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Our process
CAD flow AT
We are an affordable, boutique product design firm focused on taking your concepts to completed 3D and 2D CAD portfolios - wherever you may happen to be.
1. Free Consultation
We learn about your business and product development pathways & needs. Whether you're a smaller tech startup or developed hardware firm, we brainstorm and whiteboard component-level concepts under NDA, completely free of charge. Hear from real engineers.
2. Requirements List
We structure a robust component requirements list with deadlines, a Gantt chart, scheduled action items, and teamwide notes & assignments. Then, we give you access to our project mobile/web app, and we get straight to work.
3. Recurring Design
We design your full parts & assemblies at engineering quality in the 3D CAD software your firm prefers (SolidWorks - NX - CATIA - Creo - Fusion 360 - AutoCAD), providing you with a full portfolio of files inside 1 day to 3 weeks, dependent on complexity.
4. Unlimited Revisions
We work until you're satisfied. Within your monthly retainer quota, we will revise your components an unlimited number of times as needed.
5. Product Branding Kit*
(*Add-On) We provide you a Shopify product landing page, custom curated pitch deck, pitch scripts, and battle-tested investor email scripts guaranteeing a high engagement rate for your next round raise.
6. Visual Kit*
(*Add-On) We provide you with up to 10 photo-realistic component renders for the month's work, and up to 2 60-second functional product animations done professionally in Blender software.
Hear some success stories from our clients - our favorite people in the whole wide world.
Sometimes, we get fancy and do stuff outside of CAD.
SHEET METAL / industrial
Scott Sawyer, CTO
CONSUMER electronics
Alex Moreno, CEO
Enrique Gamboa, CEO
medical device
Diane Geer, CEO
Salma Taher, Founder
Rae Catherine, Founder
We leverage our team's combined 250+ years of robust engineering & product design experience to deliver you a quality portfolio from scratch, into infinity. Check out some of our designs below.
quality designs
Our team of professional design engineers will work with your vision to apply practical features you want into a full 3D and 2D product model portfolio.
sell your idea visually.
Our fast-paced and low-cost design process will provide not only high quality 3D CAD models for your products, but also 3D printing files, 2D manufacturing prints, photo-realistic renders, and corporate video animations.
free consultationPositioning packages
Priced at:
To get started:
Talk to our teamHigh-Converting Product Pitch Deck
Product Demo Website (Webflow)
FREE Bonus: 70%+ Close Rate Investor Reachout Scripts (as used by our agency)
Priced at:
To get started:
Talk to our teamEverything in Silver Package
10 News Publications for Your Product Company (including FOX News)
Samples Submitted to 1,100+ Distributor Network -US, Puerto Rico, & Canada
FREE BONUS: 3 Investor Pitch Scripts (curated)
Priced at:
To get started:
Talk to our teamEverything in Gold Package
Sales Rep Matching Program (We match you with a dedicated retail broker)
Submission to Target, Walmart, or Kroger
GUARANTEED Convenience Store Placement
Best Pacakge Deal!
Entity packages
Priced at:
To get started:
Talk to our teamLLC Formation (WY, DE, or FL) + Tax liability minimization
LLC Record Book - Filing forms, formation documents, & amendments
NAICS & SIC Code Optimization
Priced at:
To get started:
Talk to our teamEverything in Silver Package
Custom Credit Repair Gameplan
Custom Credit Card Applications Gameplan
We will remove up to 3 hard inquiries
Personal & Business Credit Referral Links
We will handicap your first 2 credit apps
Priced at:
To get started:
Talk to our teamEverything in Gold Package
10 News Publications for Your New Company or Personal Story (including FOX News)
Full Hard Inquiry Removal
We will handicap your first 5 credit apps
Best Pacakge Deal!
Meet our founders
Our philosophy is simple — provide only the best talent to provide only the best results. All-American engineering and management talent.
Nick Maciel
Former founder of Fluxxio and Kratos Consulting. Mechanical engineer & invention and CPG consultant.
Dylan Gates
Director of Operations
Multi-disciplinary organizational leader with experience in the engineering and nightlife sectors.
Jhonatan Charco
Acquisitions Manager
100+ UX/UI management projects under his wing, spanning multiple industries. Connects new global and regional markets.